• (918) 245 8300
  • (918) 245 8302
  • info@midwestrailroad.com


Services Provided

Copyright: <a href='https://www.123rf.com/profile_wabeno'>wabeno / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Midwest Railroad Construction, LLC is a company focused and committed to providing railroad repairs and maintenance to any independent railroad track owner such as short line railroads, quarries, chemical plants, steel mills, grain elevators, glass companies, cement plants, and more.

Copyright: <a href='https://www.123rf.com/profile_kadmy'>kadmy / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Midwest Railroad Construction, LLC was founded in 2001. Since, we have developed a strong business relationship with countless customers and suppliers. We service the states of Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas.

Our crews are trained in compliance with MSHA and FRA.

Whether it is a new railroad construction, railroad track inspection, highway grade crossing, or a simple track repair, we will be ready to assist you with any aspect of your rail needs.

Below is a list of the services we provide, please feel free to use our form below to send us a comment.

New Track Construction:

You can count on us whether the job is large or small. We also provide preliminary track designs and/or Engineering designs.

Track Inspection:

We provide monthly, quarterly, or yearly track inspections. We also do full detail reports based on the Federal Railroad Administration Track Safety Standard Compliance Manual.

Track Maintenance or Upgrade:

We provide a scheduled maintenance program that can be tailored to suite your needs. We also provide track upgrades. Please feel free to contact us for more details.

Track Materials:

We keep a complete inventory for most rail sizes and components including new cross ties and switch ties.

Emergency Call Outs:

We provide crews 24 hours a day for any railroad track emergency repair.